Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021

  • “Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021” has recently(September 2021) been notified.
  • Patent Fees For Educational Institutions Reduced by 80 Percent
  • This amendment has come into force with effect from September 21, 2021.
  • Moreover, Patents Rules have been amended in 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020 to achieve the objective of removing procedural inconsistencies and unnecessary steps in processing of applications thereby speedup grant/registration and final disposal.
  • By amending the Rules, the procedures are made more compact, time-bound, user- friendly and compatible for e-transactions.
  •  Augmentation of manpower by recruiting new examiners.
  •  Making process of applying and granting patents completely online.
  •  Hearing of cases in Patents through Video-Conferencing for speedy and contact-less proceedings.
  • Dynamic redesigning of website and real time based hassle free dissemination of IP information to stakeholders.

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