Operation Interflex

  • On June 27, 2022, Operation Interflex began, which involves the United Kingdom (U.K.) and several other countries training nearly 2,000 Ukraine military recruits for five weeks. 
  • This initiative is part of the U.K.’s £2.3 billion commitment towards military aid and support to Ukraine, and is a collaborative effort between Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.
  • The training provided to the recruits under Operation Interflex focuses on several areas, including weapon handling, range activity, marksmanship, fieldcraft basics, field tactics, battle casualty drills, counter explosives, the laws of armed conflict, first aid, and cyber security awareness. 
  • The aim is to give them the key skills and experiences to operate once they go back to Ukraine.
  • The Canadian-U.K. training wing for Operation Interflex is headed by Major Jürgen Miranda. 
  • The training is being delivered by more than 200 personnel, including 60 from Canada and 150 from the U.K.

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